Organisational culture and issues

Elements of mental fatigue leading to human error,
        Vigilance, Decision making, Task Orientation

change strategy, change,
        triangulating change, change solving

saying sorry sincerely, unconditional, unmitigated,

culture, dishonesty, abuse of power, why
        leaders lie, self interest, environment, reputation,
        organisational failure

        Lack of complance, self interest, tribalism, beliefs.

    Organisational culture, Organizational
        issues, Conflict of interest, Wilfull ignorance, turning a blind
        eye, reputation, reputational damage, image, public confidence

Dealing with a problem/issue by creating or increasing the
        rules & regulations relating to it; will reinforce &
        exacerbate the proble

empowerment is an alternative to rules, procedures or

when personal
        agenda contradicts, or comes into conflict with organisational
        values, this may result in perverse behavour

        ignorance or turning a blind eye may arise from threats to
        relationships, credibility, or through cognitive dissonance

What is
        the context, duration and tangibility a possible threat? If
        there is no threat, then there cannot be any risk.

where there
        is a threat to a persons reputation within an organisation, that
        person may take steps reduce the personal threat under the guise
        of protecting the organisations reputation, and this may
        ultimately damage the reputation of both if it becomes public

Integrity cannot exist without transparency, congruity
        & honesty

Virtue Signalling internal drivers, Cognitive Dissonance,
        Image, Tribalism